Prof. Sei, Dr. Furukawa and Dr. Kamei joined field survey conducted with the collaborators in University of Yamanashi and Tribhuvan University to monitor pathogenic and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in water treatment system (LCD: Locally-fitted Compact and Distributed water treatment system), wastewater treatment plant, and the air.
This project is supported by JST/JICA-SATREPS (PI : Prof. Futaba Kazama) and JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) (PI : Dr. Eiji Haramoto).
In the final workshop of JST/JICA-SATREPS, Dr. Kamei reported the performance of LCD set in Kathmandu with much thank to local supporters for their cooperation. Dr. Kamei wore traditional costume of Nepal, looked very fitted in!